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Abomey-Calavi University, Doctorate School of Life and Earth Sciences01BP526,Cotonou-Benin

Title: Level of Organochlorine and Pyrethroid pesticide residues in the blood of the vegetable farmers in Southern of Benin


Biography: Prudence AGNANDJI


None data in Southern of Benin concerning association between level of Organochlorine (OC) and Pyrethroid (Pyr) residues in the blood of vegetable farmer and chronical exposure to Pesticides. After exposure to pesticide through manipulation, they may be found in their blood and have adverse effects on their health. It’s in this context we initiated this research on “Level of Organochlorine and Pyrethroid pesticide residues in the blood of the vegetable farmers in Southern of Benin”.We collect samples of blood from 22 vegetable farming and 20 samples of blood of control. We used SPE technic to extract the residues from the samples and quantified in these samples, level of OC and Pyr residues by Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass spectrometry. The data were analyzed with R Statistical Software version 3.4.3.X2 independence test showed that there is a relationship of dependence between to belong vegetable farmer group and presence of pesticide residues in their blood. Of pesticides found in vegetable farming and control group blood, average of Cyfluthrin, Cypermethrin, β-HCH and Endosulfan β are statistically different (p<0.01).The blood of vegetable farming is contaminated by OC and Pyr pesticides residues they used to protect their plant. These compounds may be at the origin of different function dysfunction we observed among the
vegetable farmers in Southern of Ben